jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

Published 1/12/2023 by with 0 comment

Blinding lights

HAIR:   Naomi   DOUX
BODY:   Legacy Perky   LEGACY 
DRESS:   Natalia   NEW!!   MOXXI in BLACK FAIR
(For Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Erika and GenX. Fatpack included Hud with 
BOOTS:   Missouri   NEW!!   ESSENZ in  FAMESHED
(For Maitreya, Legacy and eBody. Fatpack included Hud with 26 colors)

PIANO:   Kings Piano   NEW!!   CHEZ MOI in EQUAL10
(Included bento single and couple poses and Hud with 8 colors for piano and 10 colors for seat)
HUMIDIFIER:   Penguin Humidifier   NEW!!   MADPEA for Happy Weekend
(Included 4 colors)


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